Stenocardia: a portrait of a disease
Stenocardia or angor pectoris is a widespread disease among middle-aged people and seniors. Quite often people refer to it as breast-pang because of the painful area — retrosternal pain. Sometimes it is referred to as coronary artery disease due to the fact that the disease is caused by localized obstruction in coronary artery, which entails mionectic blood supply rich in oxygen.
In this article we‘ll tell the difference between stenocardia and Miocardial Infarction; also how to identify it, how to prevent and treat. Want to know more? Stay with us.
And from the very beginning let’s form an image in thought that we are inside of our organism. Stenocardia. How it happens? How it looks like? Earlier we’ve mentioned one thing that “the disease is caused by localized obstruction in coronary artery, which entails mionectic blood supply rich in oxygen.”
The inefficiency can be caused by numerous reasons, for example it can be organic changes resulting from atherosclerotic vascular disease or functional disorders. It all happens because arteries become heavy and less spring with age. Smoking, high blood cholesterol together with high blood pressure catalyzes the process of making arteries heavier.
- How to identify angor pretoris?
Angor prectoris can be triggered by defatigation or stress, also frigorism and smoking entails the disease. Heart stroke usually starts with a discomfort or chest pain, which can shoot up the left arm or left shoulder. Also a patient can experience pain in d-colletage area, lower jaw bone or it can be observed over the whole chest area. The heart stroke can normally be followed by apprehension and fear. In prone position the symptoms usually become more frank. The patient would rather be in sitting position.
Quite often stenocardia is a sign that person’s heart needs care and probably the patient has got even more serious heart issues. Sometimes symptoms of angor pectoris can be mixed up with symptoms of, for example, stomach ulcer or gallstone disease.
- N.B. Symptoms that are irregular for stenocardia:
* Persistent ache, dull pain;
* The pain syndrome doesn’t depend on physical activity;
* The duration of heart stroke is more than 15-20 minutes.
- How not to mix up stenocardia with Miocardial Infarction?
Stenocardia happens when heart is not give blood rich in oxygen in the right amounts. If the patient stops physical activity, he or she stops to experience any pain. Talking about Miocardial Infarction, it happens in the result of blockage of the coronary artery, and heart is not given blood supplies at all. The pain in case of Miocardial Infarction lasts much more longer in comparison with angor pectoris. The pain can be characterized as dull, and it still can be observed if a person even has stopped any physical activity.
- Stenocardia: what are the preventive measures?
First of all, to control one’s weight and if it is needed to train it off. Second, monitor your BP.
Eat only healthy food. Give up smoking if you do so. Eat food rich in magnesium and calcium. For example, buckwheat(Mg), sea cabbage (Mg), almond(Mg, Ca), indian nut(Mg), oatmeal(Mg,Ca), brynza(Ca), mustard(Mg, Ca), dairy cream (Ca), Strained yoghurt (Ca) and so on.
Also try to escape negative emotions and do not concentrate on your failures. Atherosclerotic vascular disease prevention is one more step towards your health. Consult a doctor, together with your cardiologist you can elaborate a plan aimed at stenocardia prevention and control.
- What if I have already faced the problem?
Of course, the first answer is to consult a doctor.
The treatment is based on jugulation and prevention of sequellae resulting from stenocardia. Medication includes the following: antianginal drug administration, which reduces oxygen demand for heart. Besides it is essential to medicate with antisclerotic drug.
- What are the prognoses for stenocardia?
Stenocardia is chronic heart pathology. If no measures for treatment is taken it can entail risk of Miocardial Infarction and fatal case.
Eearly recognition of the disease and its early treatment make you live longer. Remember about it.